About us


Besides activities in the area of workflows with LFP digital printing, we initially managed also mandates out of other segments. Due to the development, a major concentration took place on the core markets to fully benefit from the synergies.

In the next future, an expansion in the area of digital printing in small format is planned.

Positioning of the label FOTOBA through marketing and exhibition planning as well as structuring and heading the dealer’s network in middle- and eastern Europe.

Development and market introducing for special solutions.

Thanks to our long-term experience and as active forerunners from analog to digital, we dispose of huge and large know-how.

Partner network with more than 50 partners

Active in more than 40 countries.


  • professional fotolabs and wallpaper factories
  • scanning, retouch and second reference production
  • digital photograph, colour management and proofing
  • offset-, deep-,flexo- and screen printing
  • digital printing and rip technology
  • generally machine-, plants-, Controller design  and software projects
  • project managing from idea up to market introducing  and building of
    sales network and their supervising
  • marketing-, trade fair and event planning as well as organization
  • worldwide net

The finishing of the LFP market is our domain.

We have an outstanding network at disposal in this industry and put appropriate specific expertise knowledge with huge experience in the area of marketing, distribution, and organization together.

We are present and have always open eyes to a lot of trade fairs.

There are a lot of companies (midcaps) with excellent products, which do not have the necessary resources and knowledge to introduce them efficiently in the market.

This is one of our strengths. Through corresponding synergies, we might keep the costs at a reasonable level. 

We manage exclusive chosen markets through mandate relations. Our managed mandates are concerning the same market but do not compete with their products

The end consumer has specific needs and wants good solutions for his concepts. Thanks to our strong distribution network we are able to offer your products, creating at the same a network and solutions for our partners.

If required we take care of the complete introduction of the product into the market; this includes marketing materials, presence on the web, stands at tradeshows, finishing with the distribution and service.

This sentence stays in harmony with our “slogan”

Quality and longevity are more important than the price.
Customers are our partners as well as our capital.
Tell us what you need – we make it.



Die Bedeutung des Digitaldrucks nimmt zu. Neben den trationellen Einsatzgebieten werden neue Anwendungen und Märkte erschlossen:

  • Tapeten
  • Innendekoration
  • Stoffdruck für Heim und Mode
  • Spezialanwendungen in der Industrie auch integriert in bestehende Produktionsprozesse
  • Personalisierung von Alltagsgegenständen und Waren mit eigenem Kundendesign oder Label

Die Druckqualität und -geschwindigkeit hat eine rasante Entwicklung durchlaufen, aber sie geht weiter. Viele Druckverfahren sind bereits für den Einsatz in Kinderzimmern oder Kliniken zertifiziert, einige sind sogar lebensmittelecht. Auch die Technologie hat sich durchgesetzt und ist nicht mehr nur etwas für wenige Spezialisten.

All das hat zu mehr und schnellerer Produktion geführt. Es ist auch kein Geheimnis mehr, dass der Engpass nicht im Druck, sondern in der Weiterverarbeitung und einem optimierten Workflow liegt.

Organization Chart and Info’s

Über Digital Consult Integral AG:

Legal form:
Registration in:
Registration number (UID):
DE Tax number:
DE-Ust-Id Nr.:
Share capital:
Bank Account details (€):
Bank Account details (CHF):
Domicile address:
Handelsregister des Kanton Zug
09 406/13820
CHF 100 000
Valiant Bank AG, Citypark Gartenstrasse 6, Postfach, 6300 Zug
CH04 0630 0505 1292 3140 3
CH79 0630 0505 1292 3141 1
Untermüli 11
6300 Zug


Harm Reimers
Rolando F. Rappi
Alessandro Rappi
Stefano Rappi
Patrizia Imhof
Nicoletta Nistor

Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Chairman of the Board
Chief Executive Officer
Business Support Manager and Administration


Swico – der Verband der Digitalisierer
Handel Schweiz – Dachverband des Handels